Thursday, March 18, 2010

Books . Hobby . books

Its been a while since i beli buku for myself.. dulu mase bujang mmg selalu.. x abis bc dah beli lagi..dan beli .. dan beli.. dan beli lagi.. coz i am a bookworm indeed... :D.. Since dah ade anak ni.. hobby pun terpaksa bertangguh tangguh laa.. kdg2 mase pun xde kan.. so.. just now i bought few books for me and for my mini me too... so..lets share2 ape yg i beli eh... :D..

since kite kan tgh on x nk laa makan food yg cepat boring kan... kalau salad kosong je pun boring gak.. kang lelama..boring nyer pasal.. makan pulak food yg berlemak balik.. so.. kite beli laa 3 buah buku yg mmg kite sgt2 suka.. 50 FAST Chicken Fillets, Simple Salads yg sgt delicious ok! and also Simply Seafood.. So all this 3 books akan ku make use of it fully!... Diet but at the same time with good and delicious food! ;)

Ini for my pastime selain dari berfacebook.. hehehe.. kite ni mmg bookworm... tapi dah lama tinggalkan hobby tu jap.. so now.. i'm back on track.. ;) I'm not that SHOPAHOLIC laa kan.. i just love to window shop and shop too of coz.. but not serious laa sampai jadi shopaholic.. but i like to read books like this... hehehe.. campur2 laa.. kdg2 buku2 agama.. kdg2 romance.. kdg2 fiction.. it depends on my mood pun.. and sometimes kite suka books yg a series from the movie or drama series from tv just like the one i bought... dulu kan ade cite "CONFESSION OF A SHOPAHOLIC" so now cite yg bersambung.. SHOPAHOLIC ABROAD.. :)

And that things that u all nampak tu kan.. is my mini punyer! yeay!! I bought her 2 boxes of flash cards so i can teach her to learn words in a very fun way.. and a sticker book On the farm.. err..alamak ade gamba b*bi laa pullok kat situ.. hehehe..xperlaa.. nanti akan ajar gak dia benda kotor atau x kan?.. so.. learning but FUN way!...

Pastu kelmarin...kite ade order tudung.. bukan untuk jual lagi.. tapi utk kita pakai sendiri..hehehe..kite ade order tudung ala2 syria laa.. my favorite ok!.. tapi yg ni tokey dia bg nama TUDUNG MEL.. sempena nama dia kot Melissa Rosid :)... hehe promote ni.. kalau korang je kat nama TUDUNG MEL or Melissa Rosid ni.. it will direct u to her FB. Leh order je kat situ.. So tadi tudung kite dah sampai.. yeay!!! meh kite tgk.. :P

Ni laa tudung nyer.. ngehehe... lawo x?

Haaa.. ni bile kita dah pakai? lg lawo kan? budak gemok yg perasan lawo!...Akakakakaka!
Kite suka kain dia.. sejuk je.. very the very nice.. so.. kalau suka.. cuba laa pg ke FB dia and order ye.. :D

Pot Pet Pot Pet author...

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