Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Lunch

Haloo ppl.. after a while diri ini dah cool down skit.. so kite back on track laa.. memblog seperti biase... huhuhuh... so..pada yg tau that i'm on a serious diet... skang ni ade mcm perubahan skit laa on me... huhuhu.. tapi not all on weight as yet laa of coz... the most biggest change that i'm really proud to share is.. i no longer srink any sweet drinks.. not even limau ais ok!!! kalau gi mamak pun kalau order mesti mintak kurang gula.. tuh pun x abes... then end up minum plain water je.. so now... kite consume 2L water amazing... really amazing for me.. b4 this kite mmg x brape suka nk minum air plain... huhuhuh but now its different..

And so does my food intake... kalau dulu mase lunch.. since i;m just alone at home.. my mini me pun bukan nk sgt makan nasi lauk2.. dia pun kdg2 makan roti canai.. makan maggi ke.. makan roti ke.. and sometimes.. nasi ayam...

And dulu mmg kite malas cook for myself thinking i only cook for myself je.. but now.. i understand how important od for u to eat in order for u to loose weight.. when i say *important to eat means... to eat healthy ok... bukan suka2 mkn itu ini... :P

So tadi i tried a new recipe in of the books yg kite beli hr tu... 50 FAST CHICKEN FILLETS... huhuuhuh i cooked grill chicken breast with mango salsa.. and i made my own gravy.. orange sauce.. yummms!!! nah..cuba tgk gamba... :D

Grill chicken breast with mango salsa top with orange gravy!.. yummmsss!!!

Pot Pet Pot Pet author...

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